Laurence Ballesteros is an artist and jewelry designer, passionate about fine stones. Very early on she became interested in the therapeutic powers of stones which have been used since antiquity for the benefits they can bring.
Since she was a child Laurence has had pets, which she has always considered as part of her family. After creating gemstone necklaces to remedy all the little ailments of her close friends, she had the idea to make one for her beloved dog, that had become very anxious after an accident.
The benefit felt by her favorite animal was immediate. Gradually, Neo regained his calm and began to display the joy of life he had always possessed.
The collar quickly aroused the interest of her dog and cat owner friends, who not only found them beautiful, but also had some small problems with their favorite animals, which led her to develop and found her own brand of jewelry for animals. Joydogcat started from there !
All collars are made in our workshop in France and sent the day after placing the order.
For any information or request about our collars, you can contact Laurence by mail or phone.