Fight against aggressiveness
Howlite and Agate
Fight against aggressiveness
Brings serenity and sociability
Makes your pet more sociable and serene.
- Howlite promotes discernment. Helps to overcome fears, thus helping your dog to react less strongly. Replaces negative energies with positive ones. It eliminates all forms of stress and helps him better manage his emotions
- Agate combats stress and anxiety Fights anxieties, allows to take self-confidence serenely without using aggressiveness to assert oneself. Makes you dog more sociable Helps your pet to be less possessive. Disarms inner anger.
- Howlite stone is a member of the calcite family. Native Americans used it as a protective and soothing stone pendant.
Its deposits are located in Germany, Austria, Brazil, Canada, the United States, France, Italy
It is a white opaque stone mottled with black and gray.
- The name AGATE comes from the Achates River in Sicily
The deposits: Australia, Brazil, China, Germany, Madagascar, Mexico, United States, Uruguay
It is a stone that has several colors in brown, green, ochre and cream.
Since ancient times, stones have been used for their therapeutic virtues.
Fine stones promote the circulation of positive energy in the body.
Each stone has its own frequency depending on its molecular composition.
Fine stones act as magnets that absorb negative energies for new positive vibrations.
It is called lithotherapy, from the Greek Lithos meaning stone and Therapeaia, therapy.
WARNING : do not attach a leash to the collar.
Size: Measure your pet’s neck size with a tape measure or a piece of paper.
Our collars are adjustable over 5 cm.
The interpretations and properties of the stones described come from reference books in the field of Lithotherapy and do not in any way replace medical treatment.
For any medical problem please consult your veterinarian.
All collars are made in France in our workshop in Avignon. High quality stones. They are manufactured according to precise standards so that they are solid and without danger for our companions.